Employment Initiative Helps Residents Improve Opportunities

Since 2002, Washington University Medical Center has supported MERS/Goodwill to operate a full time employment agency in Forest Park Southeast, specifically for Forest Park Southeast residents. Participants in the Forest Park Southeast employment program receive three weels of training on how to be successful on the job. During the training course MERS/Goodwill works with residents on self-esteem and self-confidence, meeting the challenges of one’s personal like, being able to deal with the complexities of interpersonal relationships with co-workers and supervisors, as well as being able to perform the actual work tasks. In addition to job readiness trianing, the program makes available GED courses and skills training in order to assist participants who would like to climb the career ladder.

Once participants complete the three week training course, MERS/Goodwill employment specialists assist the participants with locating quality employment. While on the job, MERS/Goodwill staff track participants progress and assist them in overcoming barriers. Since the inception of the program, more than 120 Forest Park Southeast residents have completed the program and have located quality employment.

If you are interested in the MERS/Goodwill-Forest Park Southeast Service, stop into the Adams Park Community Center or contact Esther Williams at 535-5529 or Rayfinette Sanford at 535-3252.

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